Learn More about Fasting, Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing

Here you can find a growing collection of documentaries and writings related to holistic health, with a focus on preventative health modalities such as detox, fasting, nutrition, rejuvenation and naturopathy.

The Science of Fasting

A great ARTE documentary about (scientific) insights into the benefits of fasting by Thierry de Lestrade and Sylvie Gilman.

Fasting: Awakening the Rejuvenation from Within

TED Talk by Dr. Valter Longo, Professor and Director of USC Longevity Institute, on the benefits of fasting.

Why Fasting bolsters Brain Power

Another interesting TED Talk, this time by Mark Mattson from the US National Institute of Aging.


Co-creation with Ayama – Centre for Re:Connective Arts

We offer reconnective seminars, experiential spaces, counselling, coaching and mediation in service of healing and transformation towards a regenerative and reconnective culture and a joyful and healthy you, living in deep loving connection.

Vitality Hearts