Vitawell Holistic Detox

Rejuvenate from Within

Our Holistic Detox course is a unique and complete seven day (more-than-just-)fasting experience that uses a holistic approach to detoxification.

Are You Ready For Your Holistic Detox?

Course Description

Vitawell Holistic Detox is a unique seven days course for you to detoxify, fast, cleanse and regenerate body, mind and soul. We have designed an online retreat that features water and juice fasting, Yoga, relaxation and a complete natural health wellbeing program to remove toxins, alkalize, rejuvenate, reset, revitalize and optimize your weight.

It has been developed based on more than twenty years of experience in traditional holistic healing methods and modern medical research. It provides you with everything you need to know to enjoy a complete and genuine detox experience.

Our Vitawell Holistic Detox provides you with information, instructions and suggestions that guide you through your detox so as to aid your health, wellbeing and disease prevention.

We deliver an abundance of suggestions for daily activities, exercises and tools to holistically support you through a life changing experience and beyond. The Holistic Detox experience enables you to optimally support your body and boost your health – even after the course. You will get important information on nutrition, digestion, detox and fasting to understand how your body functions. It also empowers you with knowledge about home remedies and what you can do for minor ailments and health complaints during and after the seven detox days.

We at Vitawell would like to support you on your journey to more vitality and wellbeing!
The inspiring daily program we offer includes the know-how on healthy well-ageing, nutrition, detox, fasting and body cleansing techniques. There are also modules on digital detox and how to protect yourself from digital stress as well as a module on Biophilia – the love for nature and the healing power of nature. You are invited to engage in detox exercises such as stretching, breathwork, ionization, yoga and muscle relaxation. For relaxation of your entire body and your mind we also provide interactive modules on meditation, sound healing, visualization, autogenic training and healing journeys. Last but not least, you will get presentations and step- by- step guidance for a body poultice, hydrotherapy at home, homemade natural body care products and remedies for restful sleep.

How the Course Works

Course Outline & Structure

Our Vitawell Holistic Detox runs for seven days during which we will guide and support you through your ultimate experience of a complete wellbeing course program. However, one unique advantage of our course is its flexible and modular structure which allows you to work through the modules flexibly in your own time and pace.

The course is divided into introductory modules for your pre-arrangements, one preparation day, followed by five fasting days and completed by one or optionally two break-fast and transition days. Throughout that time you will learn how to fast properly, detox thoroughly, stay in good health and keep up the vitality you have gained during your detox.

The course contains 58 modules in the form of videos, written information, shopping lists, menues, recipes, questionnaires and audio tracks. Each day, you will be offered five to eight modules which form your daily program. You will be spending about one to three hours daily on the program, which supplies you with everything you need and wish to know about holistic detoxification, fasting and beyond.

In the video presentations we explain what is happening in your body and we will give you insights into fasting and detox physiology. After the course, you can easily integrate the gained knowledge and activities into your everyday routine.

The Vitawell Holistic Detox experience is suitable for both, novice and advanced detoxers alike. Everyone who is new to the topic will benefit from a thorough, flexible, yet easy to follow program. Advanced fasters benefit from abundant in-depth information and rich inspiration!

How you will benefit

Benefits & Outcomes

Experienced fasters know the feeling of independence and courageous self-reliance that usually and rightfully occurs after a few days of abstinence of solid food. There are certainly ups and downs during a fasting detox, yet with encouraging motivation and the appropriate (natural) remedies and activities, a fasting low can be managed and will give way to the commonly described fasting euphoria. The Holistic Detox course will guide you through the complete experience and will lead you through the lows so that you come out the other end well with gained knowledge on effective self-care.

During and after a detox fast, the body feels light, the breathing is easier, the mind clear, the vitality enlivened and there is a lot of loving attention for our never tiring organs. When embarking on a fasting journey, many fasters gain more appreciation for their body and their inner healing ability. Another great reward can be the sharpening of the senses and therefore the enjoyment of food with more care and with relish after the breaking of the fast. Having completed a week of detoxification can be a great motivation to healthier eating habits and an optimized lifestyle.

In our 20 years of practical and clinical experience, we have found that the following are the most common outcomes of a holistic detox:

  • Energy gain
  • Feeling of “reset” for the digestive organs
  • Uplifted mood
  • Boost of self-esteem
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Stronger inner healing ability
  • De-stress and let go of the unnecessary
  • Toxin elimination in cells, organs and body tissues resulting in reduced inflammation and less discomfort, tension and pain
  • Purification of the blood lifting brain fog” and reducing sluggish feelings
  • Balance of the pH level in body fluids and tissues
  • Increased nutrient intake, therefore better immunity and less tiredness
  • Ease to maintain a healthier lifestyle and healthier (eating) habits
  • Natural weight regulation
  • Healthy immune modulation
  • Prevention of “modern” diseases
  • Clear radiant skin
  • Healthier hair
  • Rejuvenation and longevity
  • Closer connection to the inner guidance and intuition
  • Better sleep quality

The benefits of participating in our Holistic Detox include the prevention of disease and regeneration of your body, mind and soul. More specifically, it can help you complementing the improvement of:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiousness
  • Asthma
  • Back pain
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Depressive mood
  • Digestive ailments
  • Hair loss
  • High blood pressure / hypertension
  • Metabolic syndrome (overweight or obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes (non- insulin dependent)
  • Nutrient and mineral deficiency
  • Overburdened or overreactive immune system (e.g. recurring infections, auto-immune disease)
  • Rheumatism (arthrosis, arthritis)
  • Skin disease (eczema, psoriasis, wounds)
  • Sleeping difficulties / insomnia

What you Get

Here is what you get with our Holistic Detox Course

  • Full access to what we believe is the most comprehensive, holistic and effective online detox course available today
  • A modular course structure that allows for a self-paced and interest based experience
  • 58 course modules in a variety of formats (videos, readings, audio files)
  • 33 video modules with a total running time of about 10 hours
  • 20 written modules that provide detailed information on more than 95 pages
  • 4 audio files for your relaxation, meditation, healing journeys and sound healing
  • Shopping and errands lists for your optimal preparation
  • Recipes and inspiration for all course days and beyond
  • Questionnaires before and after the course to track the detox effects
  • A course program that provides about one to three hours of information, exercises and experiences daily
  • The option to book discounted private consultations during your detox course
  • 10% discount coupon for your next purchase at Vitawell

Course Curriculum

Your Facilitator

Tina Krombach

Here at Vitawell, in my courses, webinars, consultations and retreats, I wholeheartedly commit to sharing my expertise on natural living & holistic healing. I enjoy supporting people on their unique journey to more vitality & wellbeing.
For more than two decades I have been practising classical homeopathy and a variety of holistic naturopathic treatments. It is intensive yet rewarding to get to the roots of feeling at dis-ease and to see what hinders us from unfolding all facets of life with joy.

Over the years I learned that effective relaxation techniques, body awareness, the careful creation of healthy habits and holistic self-enquiry are as important as the classical healing treatments. As an alternative medicine practitioner/naturopath and course facilitator, I happily support you on your journey to reconnect with your inner healing abilities. I am here to assist you making informed choices and taking conscious responsibility for your own health & wellbeing. Vitawell is our meeting point for your empowerment to more vitality & good health!

If you wish to know more about my experiences and qualifications, please click here.

Course Feedback

“I finished the detox fasting last Wednesday. Over the last few days I have been feeling really good. My breathing is easy and my skin cleared up a lot. I feel light and more flexible and I am so proud to know that I did it!”

Michaela S., Wellington, NZ

“I have been fasting and doing a Heavy Metal Detox that has affected my health for many years. I must say that I have noticed a definite increase in my energy levels -I am less exhausted now and much better able to concentrate for longer periods of time. I am very delighted with the results of the detox.”

Adam S., Muriwai, NZ

“I was looking for a way to detox heavy metals and I was delighted to meet Tina. Her guided fasting does that and a lot more. I like that it is a natural way, made easy, and is so effective. I feel great.”

Manu S., Auckland, NZ

“Vitawell’s Holistic detox course includes tips and recipes that are inspiring and practical. We recommend it to anyone that is looking for a professional detox guidance and personal approach.
It is worth to invest into this course, it supports health and provides guidance from an experienced professional.
PS: We really love the toothpaste recipe!”

Katarina N., Antwerp

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the course work for me?

If you are motivated and ready to put some effort into it, then very likely yes! View our free course material and make sure to read the details on this page to help you decide.

What if I want a refund?

No problem. We offer you a 24 hours 100% money back “Love It or Leave It” guarantee. Send us an email with your request.

When does the course start and finish?

This course is “evergreen” which means you can begin at any time. We also offer a Community Course Option for this course that runs at set dates. For more information, please see below.

Will I get access to the full course all at once?

Yes. After purchase you will get full instant access immediately.

What do I do if I have another question?

You can find our full Vitawell FAQ here.

What do I do if I have more questions?

Feel free to contact us anytime. Click here.

Your Course Options

Choose your preferred course option

You can choose one of the following access options for this course:

Access OptionBenefits
30 Day AccessEnjoy 30 day full course access.
Lifetime AccessEnjoy unlimited full course access.
Private Mentorship AccessEnjoy 30 day course access plus an additional daily 30 minutes (3.5 hours total) private mentorship provided by the course facilitator. Please contact us to arrange suitable dates.
Community Course AccessEnjoy this course at set dates in a supportive and interactive community of course participants. Click here for upcoming Community Courses.

30 Day Access

30 days of access

Lifetime Access


Enjoy unlimited full course access

Private Mentorship Access

30 days of access

30 day course access
3.5 hours private mentorship


When you Should not do a Detox Fast at Home

Fasting is a natural process, just like eating. Only a healthy balance of food intake, digestion, elimination of wastes and detoxification can optimize inner healing processes and stress resilience. At times and in places where food choices are abundant and desires are influenced by commercial media, most of us tend to eat more than we need – some of us even more than we can digest trouble-free. The natural time slots of giving the digestive organs opportunity to metabolize and prepare for the next meal as well as the time of fasting overnight, are getting rare and short in industrialized cultures.

Hence, every healthy adult can fast and to a certain extent, ideally does so to establish a healthy balance. Healthy adults above 18 years of age, if they are not being senile, have proven to fast trouble-free for five days, by following certain guidelines. However, before you dive into the Holistic Detox course as a novice faster, please note that there are times and health conditions that are counter-indicating a five days fast without professional personal supervision.

If one of the following health complaints applies to you, we do not recommend to do a fasting detox outside a clinical setting and close professional supervision. In those cases it is more important to focus on supporting your healing process with other means (first).

  • During an acute illness or an acute inflammation
  • Recent diphtheria
  • Chronic gastritis, recent gastro-intestinal ulcer
  • Chronic renal insufficiency
  • Severe liver disease
  • Cardiac disease, myocarditis
  • Hyperthyroidism/overactive thyroid
  • Eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia etc.)
  • Dementia and psychosis
  • During recovery after a surgery or a severe illness
  • During chemotherapy
  • When debilitated or emaciated and/or in a final stadium of a severe disease
  • During pregnancy and nursing/breastfeeding

However, the holistic detox activities that we provide in the Holistic Detox course, can bring a helpful balance into the organism’s healing process – even with an amended fasting part.

If you are in doubt, please get in touch with us or your trusted health professional knowledgeable in fasting and detoxification.

100% No-Risk Guarantee

Your purchase is backed by our 24 hours 100% money back “Love It or Leave It” guarantee